Sunday, June 13, 2010
"Shutter Island."
Saw this movie on Friday night, excellent movie, but I guessed what was going on in the first couple of scenes.
The Procrastinator Strikes Again!
Okay, I'll always be the first to admit that I am a procrastinator. But I'm also good at coming up with reasons why I didn't do something. So, here's my list of why I haven't had one single blog since September of 2009.
- My life was in perfect alignment with the planets crushing my ability to blog nearly ending my blogging ability altogether. Luckily, I snuck my family aboard the Ark and would yet live to rebuild civilization... oh wait, that was 2012.
- My new computer was so fantastic I had to replay all my computer games from the past. "Space Ace" anyone??? Just kidding.
- Everyone knows that the better games are released during the winter... and summer sucks for video games.
- Sims3.
- I'm lazy. Yeah, this works, too.
Truth is I've been using my blog for my own therapy. And my life had been pretty good, but I was also in denial in these last couple of months and needing to vent again.
I'll try to keep it positive, and not doom and gloom everyone. I'm also going to do some reviews over the summer of video games, and movies that I see.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Why are we afraid of obscurity?
In this day and age people find recognition through ever growing multimedia resources. I'm not just stringing together some fancy words here... how many bloggers have you browsed through today? Yes, I'm talking to you. There is no one secretly reading over your shoulder.
Why are you interested in what we are doing? 'We' being society that post their day to day happenings on the internet. Did you read somebody's Twitter page today, and found that they were just watching TV or deciding what to make for supper. Did you read some stranger's Facebook update to see that they missed their significant other? (they were probably reading somebody's MySpace page)
Perhaps we are all voyeurs to some extent... we go for an evening walk and we see someone's front window, well-lit and open, and we can't help but glance inside. We see a picture hanging on the wall and we wonder who is in the picture and what is the relation to the owner of the home.
It's like you're house sitting and you can't help but explore the non-public areas of the house. Do the home owner's have a stash of dirty magazines, drugs, or (this is slightly extreme) have bodies partially buried in the basement?
Everyone is territorial to an extent and yet we constantly crave attention. View my webpage, read my blog, see my pictures.... translates to "see me, accept me, love me... please." Those who do share with us aren't going to tell us their dirty laundry... we won't see a blog stating... "picked my nose today... passed gas in the elevator at work... blamed the new girl." If we did, generally we wouldn't see a picture or identification attached to such candid diaries, and actually I'm betting it would be popular.
Why is Paris Hilton a celebrity? Okay, so she's an heiress to a billion dollar empire, but she gained notoriety through partying, excess, a modelling career, and an x-rated video. The video is what pushed her through to internet stardom and that gave her an "in" to her music career (I'm hoping the gods here me now when I say that was sarcasm and I hope she never does another album again).
Come full circle... here I am.
Alone... in my computer room... typing my blog.
My wife was asking me, "Did you have a new blog entry?"
"It's been a while since you wrote something."
I'm not trying to be profound... just trying to find a cure for blogger's block.
Why are you interested in what we are doing? 'We' being society that post their day to day happenings on the internet. Did you read somebody's Twitter page today, and found that they were just watching TV or deciding what to make for supper. Did you read some stranger's Facebook update to see that they missed their significant other? (they were probably reading somebody's MySpace page)
Perhaps we are all voyeurs to some extent... we go for an evening walk and we see someone's front window, well-lit and open, and we can't help but glance inside. We see a picture hanging on the wall and we wonder who is in the picture and what is the relation to the owner of the home.
It's like you're house sitting and you can't help but explore the non-public areas of the house. Do the home owner's have a stash of dirty magazines, drugs, or (this is slightly extreme) have bodies partially buried in the basement?
Everyone is territorial to an extent and yet we constantly crave attention. View my webpage, read my blog, see my pictures.... translates to "see me, accept me, love me... please." Those who do share with us aren't going to tell us their dirty laundry... we won't see a blog stating... "picked my nose today... passed gas in the elevator at work... blamed the new girl." If we did, generally we wouldn't see a picture or identification attached to such candid diaries, and actually I'm betting it would be popular.
Why is Paris Hilton a celebrity? Okay, so she's an heiress to a billion dollar empire, but she gained notoriety through partying, excess, a modelling career, and an x-rated video. The video is what pushed her through to internet stardom and that gave her an "in" to her music career (I'm hoping the gods here me now when I say that was sarcasm and I hope she never does another album again).
Come full circle... here I am.
Alone... in my computer room... typing my blog.
My wife was asking me, "Did you have a new blog entry?"
"It's been a while since you wrote something."
I'm not trying to be profound... just trying to find a cure for blogger's block.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The return of the missing blogger...

Hello again folks. I've not only been waiting for my computer to become whole again, I was also on vacation. And as I had so earlier mentioned, I am reluctant to state my vacation plans so boldly on Facebook, or blog about it in case some opportunist thieves decided to case my house.
We came back from Owen Sound, Ontario, where we had a great time. Spent some time at a cottage on Georgian Bay, went to the Toronto Zoo, went to the Farmer's Market and had some kettle popcorn, did some shopping and had a gazillion cups of Tim Horton's coffee.
The weather was very nice, hovering from 23 to 30 degrees Celsius, so that was enjoyable until the humidity kicked up a notch (that's my understated way of saying... "ick!") for the last three days. I'm grateful my father in law has air conditioning.
I took this picture at the cottage, and my son Ian had a great time, as you might see him mugging for the camera. For him it was a day of playing in the water, watching the boats, soaking up the sun, eating s'mores by the campfire and laying on the jetty watching the meteor shower when it was dark. He was sad to go.
So after being away from my computer for two weeks, I have some stories to tell you, but of course, I won't get to them all in one night. So, if anyone was missing me... here I am... ta dah!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Exorcism of my computer
I've sent my computer to the exorcisit. Actually, a computer tech with the great name, Adam. He's taking my computer apart, fixing it, exorcising its demons, and hopefully upgrading it. That's one of the reasons I haven't blogged for a bit. The other is that I refuse to blog on my wife's laptop as I'm doind now. (I'm going to leave in that past typo to prove my point) I hate the key placements on laptops and it's made for people who generally type properly, unlike me. PLus, her computer is about to go way of the dodo too... she's having all types of trouble with hers as well. At some point I will be doing some more blogs on my days off... believe me I have a lot to rant about. So, hope to have your atention again soon. Later.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Getting a little love back...
Because of my shout-outs to fellow bloggers, Amy has kindly added me to NWT Blogs. So, return the favour and check it out... there are plenty of northern based blogs there.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
New Mural for Adam's Ribs

Calling all Techies out there... I want a new mural for the title at the top of my page. The plain white words just aren't cutting it anymore... Occasionally, I browse through other blogs to see if anything catches my attention and I notice some blogs had great murals for their blogs. Being the materialistic bastard that I am (just so you know, I was born before my folks were married, and that gives me the right to call myself that!), I want one now too.
I found some other blogs from Hub Publications from around the Northwest Territories. I actually liked the creativity of these:
- especially this one
- Great name,
You have my permission to use the photo above, if you wish... I think this picture captures my humour and spontaneity.
Here's my brainstorm of words to associate with me:
music, movies, acting, singing, the North, writing, socializing, having coffee, photography, entertainment news, interesting news pieces, computer games, video games, Xbox 360, aboriginal ancestry, paranormal stories, creativity, humour, travel.
Some things I love to see:
Northern lights, northern scenery, wildlife, abstract photography.
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