Hello again folks. I've not only been waiting for my computer to become whole again, I was also on vacation. And as I had so earlier mentioned, I am reluctant to state my vacation plans so boldly on Facebook, or blog about it in case some opportunist thieves decided to case my house.
We came back from Owen Sound, Ontario, where we had a great time. Spent some time at a cottage on Georgian Bay, went to the Toronto Zoo, went to the Farmer's Market and had some kettle popcorn, did some shopping and had a gazillion cups of Tim Horton's coffee.
The weather was very nice, hovering from 23 to 30 degrees Celsius, so that was enjoyable until the humidity kicked up a notch (that's my understated way of saying... "ick!") for the last three days. I'm grateful my father in law has air conditioning.
I took this picture at the cottage, and my son Ian had a great time, as you might see him mugging for the camera. For him it was a day of playing in the water, watching the boats, soaking up the sun, eating s'mores by the campfire and laying on the jetty watching the meteor shower when it was dark. He was sad to go.
So after being away from my computer for two weeks, I have some stories to tell you, but of course, I won't get to them all in one night. So, if anyone was missing me... here I am... ta dah!