Part of the idea of starting a blog is to be able to tell people about what's going on in my life. Is my life so mundane that I have nothing to write about? No. Was there no events that I can write about? No. Is there no issues in the news that I can't write about? No to that too. So, what was I doing? Can I blame Facebook? Mayhaps. How about my buddy James for telling me about The Movies computer game. Probably. Or, maybe I can say I'm a weak, network socializer with a penchant for games on social networks and for old videogames that continually challenge you to do your best, while ignoring other things that should surely be done. Yep... sounds like me.
Let me make a list of the things I've been neglecting.
- Cleaning my Man Room(c). For those of you who don't know, my Man Room(c) is my basement dungeon where I have my computer set up at a desk, and my Xbox360 set up on a computer flat screen with a comfy couch. Notice the little copyright after the Man Room(c), it's my little way of thinking I have an original room idea (so, sue me... I'm in denial) and it's to give you an idea of how to speak it. You should emphasize it when you say it and use a deeper voice, so that you at least pretend it's important. Air quotes are acceptable as long as there is no rolling of the eyes from the females. Anyways, I have a habit of leaving empty snack bags and beverage containers where they lie. After all, it's hard to pause when playing multiplayer on Xbox Live to get up to the garbage bin. To me, it's not that bad, however when you think it's too dirty for another guy to come check out your Man Room(c), you know it needs cleaning. I also have a curtain rod to put up and my wife reminds me that my mother-in-law is coming for a visit soon. But, I don't think I can get a Bobcat in here...
- Blog... see posting date?? Nuff said.
- Scripts. All my scripts are still in development hell in my brain... casting is yet to be determined. Although if I really want to make some of these into movies, I should get my butt into gear.
- Although she doesn't tell me so, I feel I've been neglecting my wife. We had a nice dinner and our friend made us an anniversary cake for our eight year anniversary which was on the seventh. We had a nice barbecue with our friends, including fellow blogger Kara. I had a great time that day. But I feel like I haven't spent enough time with my wife. With work, and kids, and putting them to bed, we both yearn for our down time and I feel like we haven't spent much time together. Although I do visit her at almost every coffee break, and spend most lunches with her, I can't help feeling like she needs more of me... it doesn't help that I come down here to blog, and play. Here's my version of a public display of affection... I love my wife very much and think that I've lucked out very much in finding her. My life would be different without her and I consider my life with her, and the birth of our two boys... a blessing. She's reading this, I know... "I love you, honey."
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